
The on-going pandemic has changed our lives and forced us to adapt to a new normal. Last year, Ramadan was different for all of us.

Families and loved ones were apart, and had to resort to virtual platforms to reunite. This year, Ramadan might be celebrated in a similar fashion, with most countries on full or partial lockdowns.

Ramadan is a challenge because it is an entire month dedicated to improving. There are numerous aspects to Ramadan, with the most important one being self-control, self-reflection and self-improvement.

We’ve got guides ranging from intermittent fasting and working out to a complete guide to fasting.

Since this month is all about improving yourself, check out our guide on how to stay fit during Ramadan.


Ramadan is all about self-control and so is your nutrition this month. Since you’ll be fasting from dusk till dawn, it is important to consume a nutrient-dense, nourishing diet at Suhoor and Iftar time so you feel satiated. You can also plan your Ramadan diet in advanced so you’re sorted for the month!

It is essential to consume the right foods, nutrients and to have an ample intake of fluids. This is a positive habit that should be in place year-round. Ramadan makes it easier to incorporate such a positive change.

Here’s a recommendation of what your ideal Ramadan diet could look like:


  1. Oats: Loaded with fiber, oats give energy slowly, keeping you satiated through the day.
  2. Eggs: Eggs help maintain muscle mass and keep you full.
  3. Bananas: Rich in potassium and natural sugars, bananas are a quick energy booster.
  4. Yogurt: Carry probiotics for gut health, making it a great source of protein and calcium.
  5. Whole grain bread: Offers complex carbs for energy needed throughout the day.


  1. Dates: Typically eaten to break the fast, dates instantly boost your energy and are rich in nutrients.
  2. Watermelon: Carrying a lot of water, watermelons help hydrate the body quickly.
  3. Lentil soup: Delicious, light and hydrating, while giving you protein.
  4. Grilled chicken: A delicious protein source, and can be made within minutes.
  5. Salad with leafy greens: Gives you essential vitamins and minerals to replenish your body’s needs.


  1. Baked fish: Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, this lean source of protein is delicious yet nourishing.
  2. Quinoa: A great protein source, carrying a healthy dose of fiber and minerals.
  3. Steamed vegetables: Easy to digest and perfect for volume eating.
  4. Brown rice: Good carbs that give you energy without spiking up blood sugar levels.
  5. Chickpea stew: A solid protein, fiber source, while being comforting.

Midnight Snack

  1. Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds are loaded with healthy fats and protein.
  2. Cottage cheese: Slow-digesting protein which also helps with muscle repair during sleep.
  3. Fruit smoothie: Easy-to-digest, nutritious option.
  4. Whole grain crackers with hummus: A delicious treat with the right amount of fats and proteins.
  5. Dark chocolate: Rich in antioxidants, and a perfect way to satisfy your cravings.

Check out this guide for the complete Ramadan nutrition do’s and don’ts!

These blogs can guide you to healthy practices that will help you maintain your hard-earned muscle mass throughout the month or help you cut down some extra fat.


Intermittent fasting and working out can go hand in hand. If you’re wondering how you can workout in Ramadan, then all you need to do is plan the time of your workouts with the type of workouts you want to do.

With just a few changes to your existing routine, you don’t have to compromise on your workouts.

By understanding the mechanism of your body while fasting, workouts just need to be tweaked.

A general rule of thumb is to stick to low intensity workouts when you’re fasting. Make sure you’re implementing the Ramadan workout tips to your routine so you feel great about working out, whether you’re fasting or not.

You can do you a quick 10 minute HIIT workout after you have eaten and regained the much needed energy.

Since this month is all about bringing positive changes into your life, make sure you’re incorporating these 5 exercises in your Ramadan workout routine


Ramadan is all about giving and spreading joy. So, spoil yourself or a loved one with SQUATWOLF’s all-inclusive line of premium gym wear.

Go all out with clothing that combines functionality with contemporary features and style that is unmatchable. Your vibe awaits!

Ramadan Blessings

Ramadan is here! A mystical month with deep sentiments for Muslims around the world. This month is all about self-improvement through self-control. The religious practices throughout the month make it easy to lead a healthy a lifestyle.

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To help you get the most out of Ramadan, we have put together a list of comprehensive blogs and guides to help you power through Ramadan.

Ramadan is the 9th month in the Islamic calendar. This month emphasizes sympathy, adherence from bad habits and to build a spiritual connection. To accomplish this, Muslims are instructed to fast for the entire month. Muslims are allowed to eat from sunset to just before sunrise and they have to fast the entire day.

This concept is just as similar as intermittent fasting where you have a 16 hour fast followed by an 8-hour eating window. However, IF is customizable and you can choose when to have your eating or fasting window. So, we have complete guides to fasting and intermittent fasting 101 to help you fast.

These guides cover proper eating windows, tips on how to make it effective, and what to eat to ensure the right nutrients are going inside. You can find a comprehensive list of the right Ramadan foods to either help you lose weight or to maintain weight while intermittent fasting and working out.

Intermittent fasting and working out can go hand in hand. It might seem that intermittent fasting might throw you in a calorie deficit making it counter-productive to maintain or to gain weight. However, this is not the case. Research has shown that if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. This is the same case with intermittent fasting and working it. Further research has shown that Intermittent fasting and working out helps you maintain your muscle mass and only in extreme situations of long term IF over months can trigger your proteins to be burned or slow down your metabolism.

We’ve got all the information you need from Ramadan food to the complete guide to fasting to intermittent fasting and working out. This will help your Ramadan become even more transformative. Check out all of our informative content on our blog or our YouTube channel.

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