How does SQUAT WOLF use Cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of text that allows a website to recognize your device and maintain a consistent, cohesive experience throughout multiple sessions. If you visit SQUAT WOLF website, both SQUAT WOLF and third party softwares use cookies to track and monitor some of your activities, store and access some data about you, your browsing history, and your usage of the site.

This policy describes how we and other third parties use cookies both within and without the SQUAT WOLF and how you can exercise a greater degree of control over cookies. Please keep in mind that this may alter your experience with our platform, and may limit certain features (including being logged in as a user).

General Browsing: We use cookies that are important for certain technical features of our website, like logging into user accounts and implementing fixes and improvements to our platform.

These cookies:

  • Are used to show marketing popups
  • Collect information on our users’ behavior in order to create more useful products
  • Used by the Tawk plugin to understand which page the user is browsing and to chat with the user.
  • Used for re-targeting users via ads
  • Payment methods used on the sites use cookies
  • Used by Content Delivery Network to show website data faster
  • To ensure that our products are operating efficiently
  • Monitor site traffic and behavior flows of users

What information is collected on me via Cookies?

In general, we collect most data from you via form submission. However, there are cases when visiting our site and/or using our platforms in which we may receive certain information through the use of cookies. This data will generally not include personal identity information about you.

  • Unique identification tokens
  • User preferences such as items added to cart (for anonymous users only)

How Do I Restrict Cookies?

For this purpose, you can block cookies on your browser.